What are Neural Networks?


Since the creation of the computer in 1946, engineers have been innovating and improving on the basic design of computers to the point where these computers are incomparable to those of the past. In the past, computers were considered to be tools to assist people in making complex calculations so that they might do their job better. In more recent years, we have developed computers to the point that we can expect them to do much more complex calculations. The most desirable of which is making decisions.

Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence

The Minor Details of Software Engineering


Any person who has gone through education knows of projects. Often people see projects in just the light of school projects. However, projects bleed through schooling into the workforce in nearly every career. Making a new billboard design, introducing a bug fix in a program, or performing a mass sanitization of a workspace, can all be considered projects. For the scope of software engineering, a project is usually considered to be the end product that is delivered to the consumer. The project is often built up in the form of many smaller tasks, these tasks may be small, but there are often an extremely large number of them. The amount of time it would take a single person to complete all these tasks is simply not efficient. Instead, most projects are handled by a group. But, the problem with working as a group is the coordination and organization required to accomplish the goal well.

Software Engineering

Project Management


Importance of Design Patterns


Many software developers and engineers know that there are a few guidelines that should be followed when making a program. These include things like formatting, coding style, and design patterns. These are just some of the many properties that programmers keep in mind when making their programs. Although there are many, this essay will discuss design patterns, what they are, why they are useful, and some examples.

Software Engineering

Who uses UI?


This is a webpage, and a rather basic one at it. Many people who peruse the web rarely see a webpage that looks like this because people who develop webpages usually have standards for themselves. Webpages are known to look much better than this and have much more color, style, attitude, and pizzazz. Take Google.com for example. This webpage is often a simple webpage but on rather frequent occasions becomes a digital mural to some day, person, or event. This is what is known as UI design. A user-interface design, made to interact with the user. However, if you've ever tried to make a webpage yourself, a simple website like the Google has made famous is not necessarily a simple task.

Software Engineering

User Interface

Web Design

Neat Code is Key


For the experienced programmer, this is "unreadable" code. Obviously, this is an exaggeration. The code is able to be read and interpreted, but not without a significant amount of time and effort. It may not seem like the largest inconvenience if it takes a few seconds longer to go over the code right? Maybe, but imagine if an entire project is "unreadable." The seconds necessary to interpret over 500 lines would add up. The solution to this is simple, coding standards. Coding standards are a well defined practice that a group of programmers can use to make their code organized in a similar fashion. Why would you want to do that? Coding standards might be difficult to get used to, but once thee standard is implemented into your practices, standard-less code becomes "unreadable."

Software Engineering


Why Javascript?


Javascript is a programming language that made its debut in December 1995. From then, Javascript has grown to become a well known programming language world wide. With my limited language of programming languages, I can safely say that Javascript is powerful. The capabilities that Javascript provides both developer and user are immense. Not only is the language powerful but also fast, versatile, accessible, and most importantly simple.


Web Development

The World is Binary


My name is Leeden Raquel. I am a student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM). At UH I am majoring in computer science with a focus on data science. When I first became a student at UH, I was an electrical engineering major but decided to shift my attention when I learned that electrical engineering was not what I believed it was. With a strong background in programming and computers in general, I decided to change my major to computer science.

Software Engineering

Smarter Way to Getting Smarter


When working on code, there are often problems along the way. Often, these problems are simple and can be solved with a single search on Google. Other times it isn't so simple. The work is important and facing these problems is the only way to complete it. In the end, you will find out that it is beneficial to request help from others.

Software Engineering