UHM Git Clubs is a web application that students at the University of Hawaii at Manoa can use to find, join, and communicate with clubs that are available. This project was completed over the course of three weeks. The application uses Javascript, Meteor, React, and Semantic UI. Along with deployment through Digital Ocean the web application was live for one month.
My role on this project included the implementation of functionalities within the pages that the others had created. The most notable function was the delete clubs function that allowed the site administrator to delete clubs. Another function I worked on was a testing script that would test the functionality of the web application when a change was made to the backend code. I also created the logo for the application and designed the header and footers. As far as backend work, I implemented the database onto the server version of the application to resemble our offline local tests and also performed systematically scheduled reconfigurations on the server to keep up to date with the local tests and changes that the other members of my team had submitted.
More information on the project can be found here.